Mateusz Bajerski

DHP Acc. Hyp, Member of PHPA,
DHP Acc. Hyp.   – Diploma in Hypnotherapy (accredited)
PHPA – Member of the Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association

From a pilgrimage town in Poland…
Before starting my London-based practice incorporating hypnotherapy, I was a kid from the countryside in the pilgrimage destination town of Częstochowa, raised in the open-plan house of my grandmother with whom I spent my early childhood years.

I had to go on a self-healing journey…

My self-healing journey began after the sudden death of my father, a family member I shared a strained relationship with, his frequent absence and alcoholism drawing shadows in the memories of my childhood and teenage years. 

One day, I received a surprise phone call from him, reaching out to celebrate his birthday together. It only triggered waves of pain buried within me. I declined his invitation, using my upcoming university final exams schedule and work shifts as an excuse–yet, I knew I could have shifted things around and made time for him. The next day, he passed away from a stroke.

Opening the door for a mystical ceremony to land on my path.

Only years later, did I grant myself forgiveness–aimlessly moving across Europe on a solitary journey of seeking, plagued by grief and guilt. It was during an Ayahuasca ceremony that I found redemption, one that could only be gifted by myself. 

This sparked the awakening of an inner wisdom I never thought I had–a dormant part within all of us, putting me right back on the track of my soul’s purpose: I researched on the third eye, the Akashic records, the consciousness of crystals, the meaning of auras, and connected with the knowledge of ancient civilizations and higher dimensional beings. It was a forgotten paradigm from my childhood summers, hinted at by my grandmother.

But how long can we deny ourselves the truth? 

Despite feeling the pull of my inner purpose, I chose to turn a blind eye and sought to satisfy the demands of society with what I perceived to be conventional occupations without the element of the so-called sense of “fulfilment:” I ran an ice cream parlour by serene shores in Cyprus and then a number of e-commerce shops before finding a mundane job in Sussex, the southeast of England, disregarding my academic achievements and my professional training in hypnotherapy.

I was repressing an underlying fear of uncertainty associated with starting a hypnotherapy practice, considered “holistic” by the modern mass today, “an alternative” by some professionals, and “mystical” based on texts from the twentieth century where the prevalent understanding of it by the general society seemed to be stuck at. 

A motorbike accident in Southend-On-Sea, England, in 2017 is what it took to bring me back to myself and my truth, fracturing my left knee to pieces. Desperate, my inner child had stomped his foot in anger at the way I was spending my life.

The doctors revealed–prescribing a minimum of twelve-months of physiotherapy–that in an optimistic case scenario, I could walk with a cane for the rest of my life.

It’s about choosing to return to the source…

During the phase of recovery from the motorbike accident, which would last six months (half the time prescribed), I returned to the source. This was my field of expertise: I knew how to heal–I had only to surrender. 

Drawing from the knowledge pool of hypnosis, visualization and spirituality, I spent the next six months infusing consciousness into the healing process. When I fully recovered–the cane was never part of the picture, it was to the shock of doctors as they examined my X-ray scans. 

It took me this long to return to my truth, to my inner purpose, and to dive into it. It took me this long to remember who I am.

And expanding the reach of the expanded consciousness’ light.

We all go through unique journeys, sharing the collective emotional pool in our human complexity. How we feel is the same, yet completely different.

What stands out here is not our emotions, but the possibility to connect with our own power source: our Higher Self. The Earth is healing. So am I and so are you. 

To date, I have guided over 200 individuals in connecting with their Higher Self to clear subconscious emotional blockages, opening a safe space for insights and growth and equipping them with tools to self-regulate in order to consciously create a reality of their own. 

I’m now actively expanding my YouTube channel (over 2 million views) with more guided sessions and have made available an email subscription list to share spiritual wisdom. If you don’t find me holding a safe space during a hypnotherapy session, then I’m organizing retreats with my friends to reconnect with nature and the knowledge of ancient civilizations (my latest adventures were around Loch Ness in Scotland, in Istanbul–formerly known as Constantinople, and in Granada, Spain, where is located UNESCO’s heritage site–the Alhambra).

With a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Cognitive Science, Mateusz Bajerski,
Dip. Hyp. HWHP, is part of the Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association (PHPA). He trained at UK’s Hypnotic World International Academy of Hypnotherapy–GHSC Assessed and Accredited. He was also a student of Dr Aleksander Daniłow, a psychotherapist in clinical hypnosis working with politicians, business people and actors. He trained at the practice of the renowned Dr Andrzej Kaczorowski, the author of “Conscious and Unconscious Self-Hypnosis: The Effective Therapy To Release Your Limitations,” “The Power of Hypnosis,” “Reincarnation And Hypnosis In Therapy,” “Hypnosis and Dreams,” “Reincarnation In Hypnotherapy” and “Reincarnation in Hypnosis.”

My Values and Mission

My biggest dream is to help people to see who they really are. Every day I help people to expand their consciousness. I teach that we are multidimensional beings with unlimited power and each of us can fulfil any, even the greatest desire.
I know that each of us deserves happiness, abundance, love and health. Each of us has the opportunity to enter and live in our Personal Heaven on Earth.
My mission is to spread awareness and knowledge. I facilitate the change in people and teach how to live the best possible life. Opening a space in which others can grow and evolve is my motivation and the reason for developing, gaining knowledge and new skills. The better life you live, the more humanity grows. To make the world a better place,  we need to start with ourselves, be happy, and live the best possible lives.


With the acquired knowledge and experience, I expanded the range of my techniques and found the ones that give the best results in the shortest possible time.
Over time, I noticed that my way of working has evolved. I found that by working at every level of the human being, we experience very profound and positive changes. The core of my hypnotherapy technique is Imagotherapy; (created by Dr Kaczorowski from Wrocław); which I modified and added my own elements. Thanks to this, my clients receive a very deep understanding and awareness of what is truly happening in their life and the knowledge of how they can change their situation.
Additionally, specially prepared recordings and self-hypnosis programs (available online) help to reprogram the subconscious mind. Between the sessions, I mentor my clients and assist them with strengthening positive changes made during our sessions.
Your success is my success, I am the navigator and guide in your journey. How much you benefit depends only on you and your willingness to change.
You can read the opinions and comments about my work here:

If you resonate with my journey and approach, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me. Together, we can explore the possibilities for your personal growth and healing.
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